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wesanderson is the simplest list in repurrrsive, containing color palettes, from the wesanderson package. Here’s a glimpse: one component per palette, each containing a character vector of hex colors. Screenshot is of RStudio’s Object Explorer, i.e. from calling View(wesanderson).


#> $GrandBudapest
#> [1] "#F1BB7B" "#FD6467" "#5B1A18" "#D67236"
#> $Moonrise1
#> [1] "#F3DF6C" "#CEAB07" "#D5D5D3" "#24281A"
#> $Royal1
#> [1] "#899DA4" "#C93312" "#FAEFD1" "#DC863B"

Use wesanderson to demonstrate mapping functions over a list.

map_chr(wesanderson, 1)
#>  GrandBudapest      Moonrise1         Royal1      Moonrise2     Cavalcanti 
#>      "#F1BB7B"      "#F3DF6C"      "#899DA4"      "#798E87"      "#D8B70A" 
#>         Royal2 GrandBudapest2      Moonrise3      Chevalier         Zissou 
#>      "#9A8822"      "#E6A0C4"      "#85D4E3"      "#446455"      "#3B9AB2" 
#>   FantasticFox     Darjeeling       Rushmore   BottleRocket    Darjeeling2 
#>      "#DD8D29"      "#FF0000"      "#E1BD6D"      "#A42820"      "#ECCBAE"
map_int(wesanderson, length)
#>  GrandBudapest      Moonrise1         Royal1      Moonrise2     Cavalcanti 
#>              4              4              4              4              5 
#>         Royal2 GrandBudapest2      Moonrise3      Chevalier         Zissou 
#>              5              4              5              4              5 
#>   FantasticFox     Darjeeling       Rushmore   BottleRocket    Darjeeling2 
#>              5              5              5              7              5
map_chr(wesanderson[7:9], paste, collapse = ", ")
#>                                GrandBudapest2 
#>          "#E6A0C4, #C6CDF7, #D8A499, #7294D4" 
#>                                     Moonrise3 
#> "#85D4E3, #F4B5BD, #9C964A, #CDC08C, #FAD77B" 
#>                                     Chevalier 
#>          "#446455, #FDD262, #D3DDDC, #C7B19C"

The same wesanderson data is also present as JSON and XML files. Accessor functions provide the local file path.

#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/repurrrsive/extdata/wesanderson.json"
#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/repurrrsive/extdata/wesanderson.xml"

Practice bringing data from JSON into an R list.

#> Attaching package: 'jsonlite'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
#>     flatten

json <- fromJSON(wesanderson_json())
#> $GrandBudapest
#> [1] "#F1BB7B" "#FD6467" "#5B1A18" "#D67236"
#> $Moonrise1
#> [1] "#F3DF6C" "#CEAB07" "#D5D5D3" "#24281A"
#> $Royal1
#> [1] "#899DA4" "#C93312" "#FAEFD1" "#DC863B"
identical(wesanderson, json$wesanderson)
#> [1] TRUE

Practice bringing data into R from XML. You can get it into an R list with xml2::as_list(), but to get a list as nice as those above? That requires a bit more work. Such is XML life.


xml <- read_xml(wesanderson_xml())
#> {xml_node}
#> <palette name="GrandBudapest">
#> [1] <hex>#F1BB7B</hex>
#> [2] <hex>#FD6467</hex>
#> [3] <hex>#5B1A18</hex>
#> [4] <hex>#D67236</hex>
#> $hex
#> $hex[[1]]
#> [1] "#F1BB7B"
#> $hex
#> $hex[[1]]
#> [1] "#FD6467"
#> $hex
#> $hex[[1]]
#> [1] "#5B1A18"
#> $hex
#> $hex[[1]]
#> [1] "#D67236"
#> attr(,"name")
#> [1] "GrandBudapest"