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gh_users and gh_repos are lists with information for 6 GitHub users and up to 30 of each user’s repositories.


map_chr(gh_users, "login")
#> [1] "gaborcsardi" "jennybc"     "jtleek"      "juliasilge"  "leeper"     
#> [6] "masalmon"
map_chr(gh_users, 18)
#> [1] "Gábor Csárdi"           "Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan" "Jeff L."               
#> [4] "Julia Silge"            "Thomas J. Leeper"       "Maëlle Salmon"
map_dfr(gh_users, `[`, c("login", "name", "id", "location"))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   login       name                         id location              
#>   <chr>       <chr>                     <int> <chr>                 
#> 1 gaborcsardi Gábor Csárdi             660288 Chippenham, UK        
#> 2 jennybc     Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan   599454 Vancouver, BC, Canada 
#> 3 jtleek      Jeff L.                 1571674 Baltimore,MD          
#> 4 juliasilge  Julia Silge            12505835 Salt Lake City, UT    
#> 5 leeper      Thomas J. Leeper        3505428 London, United Kingdom
#> 6 masalmon    Maëlle Salmon           8360597 Barcelona, Spain

Peek at some info from first repo for the first user.

str(gh_repos[[1]][[1]][c("full_name", "html_url", "description")])
#> List of 3
#>  $ full_name  : chr "gaborcsardi/after"
#>  $ html_url   : chr ""
#>  $ description: chr "Run Code in the Background"

Get full name of each user’s 11th repo.

map_chr(gh_repos, list(11, "full_name"))
#> [1] "gaborcsardi/debugme"                     
#> [2] "jennybc/access-r-source"                 
#> [3] "jtleek/datawomenontwitter"               
#> [4] "juliasilge/"         
#> [5] "leeper/congressional-district-boundaries"
#> [6] "masalmon/geoparsing_tweets"

Do you want to parse it yourself? There are functions that return the paths to local JSON and XML files.

c(gh_users_json(), gh_repos_json(), gh_users_xml(), gh_repos_xml())
#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/repurrrsive/extdata/gh_users.json"
#> [2] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/repurrrsive/extdata/gh_repos.json"
#> [3] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/repurrrsive/extdata/gh_users.xml" 
#> [4] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/repurrrsive/extdata/gh_repos.xml"

Let’s get the full name of each user’s 11th repo, but this time using the XML representation.


repo_xml <- read_xml(gh_repos_xml())
repo_names <- map_chr(xml_find_all(repo_xml, "//full_name"), xml_text)
elevenses <- 
  11 + cumsum(c(0, head(table(gsub("(.*)/.*", "\\1", repo_names)), -1)))
#> [1] "gaborcsardi/debugme"                     
#> [2] "jennybc/access-r-source"                 
#> [3] "jtleek/datawomenontwitter"               
#> [4] "juliasilge/"         
#> [5] "leeper/congressional-district-boundaries"
#> [6] "masalmon/geoparsing_tweets"